Friday, August 6, 2010

Moo Juice

Milk.  I miss milk.  I'm a big fan.  Ice cold.  White, chocolate, strawberry...doesn't matter.  Whole, 2%, 1%.  Unfortunately, my new lifestyle doesn't have much room for milk in it.  Damn lactose.  Lactose is sugar, sugar is bad (see "Dumping Syndrome" post).

This poses another milk = no coffee.  Yeah, I could go for the sugar free creamers, but as I have stated before, I hate that fake sugar taste.  And it totally changes the taste of coffee.  I've had coffee twice since the surgery (using a scant amount of french vanilla creamer) but it's just not the same.  As an avid coffee drinker, I can tell you that this sucks.  I'm a big Dunkin Donuts iced coffee fan as well...I just can't get into drinking it any other way then with cream and sugar.  *sigh*  I must get in touch with my fellow bypass-ers and see what they do.

Does anyone know what those soy milks taste like?  I'm a little afraid to try.

Enjoy your tall glass of milk.  Enjoy your hot cup of joe.  You never know when you might have to quit.


  1. soy milk isn't really that bad. don't get the powdered kind, though. that crap is gross! my favorite kind to get is the Silk French Vanilla (its in the same section as the regular milk). the only problem you may run into there is taht there may be sweeteners in it, so make sure you read the label.

  2. Thanks Michelle! Silk is what I was wondering about...I always glance at it when I'm buying Goob's creamer. I'll try it (after reading the label, of course!)

  3. The Silk French Vanilla is pretty good. (again, not sure if it has sweeteners in it or not) but it works great if you're making vanilla pudding or something like that. I use it when my sister in law comes to dinner. She can't have anything with milk or whey etc. in it. Poses a culinary challenge for me, but I love that sort of thing. (I'm not a coffee drinker so I don't know how that will be, but give it a shot)

  4. I enjoy silk soy milk. Chocolate is the BEST! Can you just drink lactose free milk? I drink that and it tastes the same to me.
