Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Motivation...or lack thereof

It's getting harder and harder to get motivated these days.  I find myself making excuses, like "it must be the change in seasons", or "I can't find the time to do (insert activity here)".  Basically, I think I'm just being lazy.  My family is probably rolling around on the floor as they read this, thinking what an understatement that is.  But really, what else is there?  Perhaps it's that I am totally overwhelmed here at home with the amount of housework that falls solely on me.  The generation before mine is wondering, "And your point is?" but in my generation, it is typical for everyone in the house to share chores...including *gasp* the husband.

So that's my current complaint.  What does it have to do with anything?  Well, perhaps you remember when we went apple picking at the end of September.  I still have about 20 apples hanging around that I've been meaning to do something with.  I've been scouring recipes online, and a few have grabbed my attention.  Glazed apple cookies, apple blonde brownies, about a zillion different recipes for applesauce...I'm just having a hard time finding the time and desire to actually go make one of them.  I did make an apple bread pudding that turned out super tasty.  It called for french bread, but I used cinnamon raisin bagels instead.  Yummy.  Typically I enjoy experimenting with both baking and cooking, but I just can't seem to get into the baking aspect of things.  As far as cooking, today I made barbecue sauce and poured it over some pork ribs, letting it simmer in the crockpot all day.  I love the smell of comfort foods cooking all day.  I take pride in the foods I make, in hearing my family tell me how good dinner is.  I didn't get to hear it husband got home from work and took the kids up to his parents' house so he could help his father with installing a garage door.  Sigh.  Oh well, I guess the ribs will hold til tomorrow.  Good thing I didn't make those mashed potatoes ahead of time.

On a side note, the new "cozy around-the-house" pants I bought last weekend slide down my hips with every step I take.  I currently have one side of the waistband wadded up into a ball and secured with an elastic hair tie.  Snicker if you must, but it's my ingenious solution to not being able to find a safety pin!

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