Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Three month checkup

Today I had...you guessed it...my three month checkup.  I had my children in tow which made it challenging but not entirely unpleasant, especially because the nurse practitioner got such a kick out of them.  Thankfully!  Anyway, she was pleased with my success thusfar.  I have lost 48% of my body fat (last time I was there at 2 weeks postop I had lost 17% and was at 251 lbs.)  My BMI has gone from 44 to 33.  I've finally kicked the last of the "weight related" medications as well...I no longer have to take the protonix for my gastroesophogial reflux disease (GERD) as I no longer have it!  My blood pressure was perfect, and I haven't had those pills since the last visit.  I'm happy that I just may live to see my grandchildren!

According to her, I have not yet experienced the dumping syndrome.  The occasional throwing up is just that--throwing up.  It's because I'm either eating too quickly, too much, or my bites are too big.  So the solution is slow down, one less bite, smaller bites.  Not exactly rocket science.


I have been trying to get outside and do more with the kids as part of my exercise.  Hell, who am I kidding...right now it's the only exercise.  But still, it's more than I was getting.  I took my daughter for a walk over the weekend, and truth be told I could have gone a lot further than we did.  But as I did not relish the idea of physically carting her back (she is only 6, after all) we stopped when she wanted to.  I HAVE TO GET TO THE GYM.  That's the mantra I need to keep repeating to myself...


  1. You'll get to a point where you'll love the gym. Its your time. Alone. Or with a friend. I love to go alone, with an iPod. I've not been in a long time cus I hate leaving Ouigi in a crate for an extra 2 hours. But, I do run outside, so I have that.

  2. I hope so...I've always hated exercising! It's going to be hard getting out of here without the girl too, but I've gotta do it. I've heard the gym at SL is open to the public evenings from 6-9...and it's free!
